
Total des produits: 47398 articles
Produit Opérateur Pays Publié Actions
blé (hiver) 45.20 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the) Oui
sorgho 0.40 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the) Oui
cultures fourragères 15.94 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the) Oui
pâturage 229.13 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the) Oui
autres cultures 4.21 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the) Oui
jachère 14.37 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 46.86 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the) Oui
pâturage 3.64 ha Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm United States of America (the) Oui
légumes 0.30 ha Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm United States of America (the) Oui
cultures mixtes 0.47 ha Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 1.66 ha Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm United States of America (the) Oui
raisins (pour le vin) 2.43 ha SunHawk Farms United States of America (the) Oui
olives 6.88 ha SunHawk Farms United States of America (the) Oui
cultures mixtes 0.10 ha SunHawk Farms United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 120.19 ha SunHawk Farms United States of America (the) Oui
cultures mixtes 4.86 ha Terra Flora Gardens United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 6.07 ha Terra Flora Gardens United States of America (the) Oui
pommes 0.73 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Oui
verger (extensif) 3.24 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Oui
pâturage 58.15 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Oui