
Total productos: 47398 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
trigo (invierno ) 45.20 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the)
sorgo 0.40 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the)
cultivos forrajeros 15.94 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the)
pastos 229.13 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the)
otros cultivos 4.21 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the)
barbecho 14.37 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 46.86 ha Stephens Land and Cattle United States of America (the)
pastos 3.64 ha Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm United States of America (the)
hortalizas 0.30 ha Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm United States of America (the)
cultivos mixtos 0.47 ha Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 1.66 ha Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 2.43 ha SunHawk Farms United States of America (the)
aceitunas 6.88 ha SunHawk Farms United States of America (the)
cultivos mixtos 0.10 ha SunHawk Farms United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 120.19 ha SunHawk Farms United States of America (the)
cultivos mixtos 4.86 ha Terra Flora Gardens United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 6.07 ha Terra Flora Gardens United States of America (the)
manzanas 0.73 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the)
huerto frutal (extenso) 3.24 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the)
pastos 58.15 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the)