
Total des produits: 47398 articles
Produit Opérateur Pays Publié Actions
matériel de pépinière 0.00 ha Hawthorne Valley Farm United States of America (the) Oui
légumes 6.88 ha Hawthorne Valley Farm United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 95.50 ha Hawthorne Valley Farm United States of America (the) Oui
raisins (pour le vin) 44.10 ha Hedges Family Estate United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 16.60 ha Hedges Family Estate United States of America (the) Oui
fruits 0.91 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the) Oui
baies de sureau 0.20 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the) Oui
pâturage 4.55 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the) Oui
lavande 0.20 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the) Oui
rose 0.04 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the) Oui
chanvre 1.11 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 4.45 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the) Oui
verger (extensif) 0.40 ha Jack Rabbit Hill, LLC United States of America (the) Oui
raisins (pour le vin) 8.90 ha Jack Rabbit Hill, LLC United States of America (the) Oui
pâturage 12.14 ha Jack Rabbit Hill, LLC United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 4.86 ha Jack Rabbit Hill, LLC United States of America (the) Oui
raisins (pour le vin) 32.22 ha CH Wines LLC Johan Vineyards United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 32.18 ha CH Wines LLC Johan Vineyards United States of America (the) Oui
raisins (pour le vin) 16.19 ha Makk Wine, LLC dba Antica Terra/Coriolis United States of America (the) Oui
biodiversité 43.30 ha Makk Wine, LLC dba Antica Terra/Coriolis United States of America (the) Oui