
Total productos: 47398 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
semillas de vivero 0.00 ha Hawthorne Valley Farm United States of America (the)
hortalizas 6.88 ha Hawthorne Valley Farm United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 95.50 ha Hawthorne Valley Farm United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 44.10 ha Hedges Family Estate United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 16.60 ha Hedges Family Estate United States of America (the)
fruta 0.91 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the)
bayas de saúco 0.20 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the)
pastos 4.55 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the)
lavanda 0.20 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the)
rosa 0.04 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the)
cáñamo 1.11 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 4.45 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the)
huerto frutal (extenso) 0.40 ha Jack Rabbit Hill, LLC United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 8.90 ha Jack Rabbit Hill, LLC United States of America (the)
pastos 12.14 ha Jack Rabbit Hill, LLC United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 4.86 ha Jack Rabbit Hill, LLC United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 32.22 ha CH Wines LLC Johan Vineyards United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 32.18 ha CH Wines LLC Johan Vineyards United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 16.19 ha Makk Wine, LLC dba Antica Terra/Coriolis United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 43.30 ha Makk Wine, LLC dba Antica Terra/Coriolis United States of America (the)