
Total productos: 47398 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
manzanas 4.05 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
arándanos 1.21 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 4.86 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
uvas (de mesa) 0.10 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
aceitunas 2.83 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
melocotones 0.81 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
peras 0.81 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
ciruelas 0.61 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
hortalizas 1.21 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 34.38 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 108.51 ha Frey Vineyards, Ltd. United States of America (the)
aceitunas 0.40 ha Frey Vineyards, Ltd. United States of America (the)
avellanas 0.40 ha Frey Vineyards, Ltd. United States of America (the)
otros cultivos 24.38 ha Frey Vineyards, Ltd. United States of America (the)
pastos 41.07 ha Gaia's Breath Farm United States of America (the)
hortalizas 2.43 ha Gaia's Breath Farm United States of America (the)
barbecho 1.21 ha Gaia's Breath Farm United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 62.52 ha Gaia's Breath Farm United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 23.68 ha Golden Vineyards United States of America (the)
aceitunas 3.04 ha Golden Vineyards United States of America (the)