
Total productos: 47398 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
huerto frutal (extenso) 0.10 ha Upper Five Vineyard United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 1.36 ha Upper Five Vineyard United States of America (the)
peras 0.10 ha Upper Five Vineyard United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 0.59 ha Upper Five Vineyard United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 10.90 ha ADAMVS United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 21.48 ha ADAMVS United States of America (the)
manzanas 1.25 ha Wilridge Vineyard and Winery United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 4.90 ha Wilridge Vineyard and Winery United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 23.23 ha Wilridge Vineyard and Winery United States of America (the)
pastizales 1.50 ha Sunfield Farm United States of America (the)
pastos 11.57 ha Sunfield Farm United States of America (the)
cultivos mixtos 4.01 ha Sunfield Farm United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 16.07 ha Spottswoode Estate Vineyard United States of America (the)
aceitunas 0.51 ha Spottswoode Estate Vineyard United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 1.42 ha Spottswoode Estate Vineyard United States of America (the)
pastos 51.39 ha Carlton Farms United States of America (the)
hortalizas 2.83 ha Carlton Farms United States of America (the)
barbecho 54.63 ha Carlton Farms United States of America (the)
cáñamo 6.47 ha Carlton Farms United States of America (the)
bosque 45.73 ha Carlton Farms United States of America (the)