
Produkte gesamt: 47398 Einträge
Produkt Betrieb Land Veröffentlicht Aktionen
Ingwer 0.00 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Ja
Kräuter 1.01 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Ja
Jungpflanzen 0.97 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Ja
Gemüse 14.77 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Ja
Grünbrache 0.61 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Ja
Blumen 0.28 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Ja
Biodiversität 40.47 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Ja
Wiese 42.90 ha Triform Enterprises United States of America (the) Ja
Weideland 33.51 ha Triform Enterprises United States of America (the) Ja
Brache 8.34 ha Triform Enterprises United States of America (the) Ja
Mischanbau 0.61 ha Triform Enterprises United States of America (the) Ja
Biodiversität 116.95 ha Triform Enterprises United States of America (the) Ja
Streuobst 1.01 ha Turtle Tree Seed United States of America (the) Ja
Futter 24.28 ha Turtle Tree Seed United States of America (the) Ja
Weideland 44.51 ha Turtle Tree Seed United States of America (the) Ja
Kräuter 1.21 ha Turtle Tree Seed United States of America (the) Ja
Saatgut 1.62 ha Turtle Tree Seed United States of America (the) Ja
Gemüse 3.04 ha Turtle Tree Seed United States of America (the) Ja
Sonstige Kulturen 17.81 ha Turtle Tree Seed United States of America (the) Ja
Biodiversität 161.47 ha Turtle Tree Seed United States of America (the) Ja