emmer |
different grains as flour or hole |
Stiftelsen Alm Østre |
Norway |
Yes |
emmer |
Demeter - Vermarktungsgemeinschaft |
Austria |
Yes |
emmer |
Schälmühle Nestelberger Naturprodukte GmbH |
Austria |
Yes |
emmer |
Viktorhof GmbH |
Austria |
Yes |
emmer |
Viktorhof GmbH |
Austria |
Yes |
emmer |
M.Wein & Korn GmbH |
Austria |
Yes |
emmer |
Martin Allram |
Austria |
Yes |
emmer |
Solagranum GmbH |
Austria |
Yes |
emmer |
Morgentau Biogemüse GmbH |
Austria |
Yes |
emmer |
Erste Raabser Walzmühle M. Dyk |
Austria |
Yes |
emmer |
Erste Raabser Walzmühle M. Dyk |
Austria |
Yes |
olive oil with herbs |
Chili Oil |
SunGold Botanicals LLC |
United States of America (the) |
Yes |
emmer |
Italy |
Yes |
olive oil with herbs |
Herdade do Escrivão - Azeite Aves/Olive oil Poultry |
Tinalia Lda. Varzea de Cima |
Portugal |
Yes |
olive oil with herbs |
Olive oil fish and salads |
Tinalia Lda. Varzea de Cima |
Portugal |
Yes |
olive oil with herbs |
Olive oil meat and pasta |
Tinalia Lda. Varzea de Cima |
Portugal |
Yes |
olive oil with herbs |
Olive oil meat and pasta |
Tinalia Lda. Varzea de Cima |
Portugal |
Yes |