
Total products: 125 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
goats <1yrcabbage (white) 4.50 ha2 Björn Flader Sweden Yes
goats <1yr 10 Grünbacher Maria, Stockinger Josef - Ebnerhof Austria Yes
goats <1yr 5 Lang Veronika Austria Yes
goats <1yr 2 Gumberger - Nina Holzmann Austria Yes
goats <1yr 8 Die Hopibauern Austria Yes
goats <1yr 10 Biohof Reumann Austria Yes
goats <1yr 6 Michael Gindl Austria Yes
goats <1yr 5 Rainer Held - Held Bergbauernhof Austria Yes
goats <1yr 2 Ing. Berthold und Eva Maria Haider - BioDyn Weinhof Haider Austria Yes
poultry for home consumption 25 Lone Willow Ranch United States of America (the) Yes
poultry for home consumption 20 One Gun Ranch United States of America (the) Yes
poultry for home consumption 35 Glentucky Family Farm United States of America (the) Yes
poultry for home consumption 2 Troon Vineyard United States of America (the) Yes
goats <1yr 14 Dariusz Nizio homestead Poland Yes
goats <1yr 7 Kass-Haff s.a.r.l. Luxembourg Yes
billy goats for breeding 4 Johannes Schenk, agricultura Germany Yes
billy goats for breeding 3 Landschaftspflegehof Adelegg GbR Germany Yes
billy goats for breeding 2 Fred Pörschke Germany Yes
billy goats for breeding 1 Ziegenhof Stefan Maier Germany Yes
billy goats for breeding 1 Peter Kiefer Germany Yes