
Total products: 920 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
horses for hobby 4 Urbajs Aci Slovenia Yes
pigs for meat 20-50kg 2 Clanabogan Farm & Garden Martin and Michelle Sturm & Seamus McCrossan United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
sows for breeding incl. piglets <20kg 3 Waltham Place Farm Andre Tranquilini & Vinnie McCann United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
pigs for meat >50kg 6 Sturts Farm & Garden Johannes Nilsson & Lee Doran Carolin Goeppl-Schaller United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
sows for breeding without piglets 1 Sturts Farm & Garden Johannes Nilsson & Lee Doran Carolin Goeppl-Schaller United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
sows for breeding without piglets 2 Sunfield Farm Ed Berger United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
equine 3 Bergsmyrene, Severin Dale Iversen Norway Yes
equine 5 Forpakterlaget Fokhol Gård Norway Yes
equine Ruud Gård, Urs Gamper Norway Yes
pigs for meat 20-50kg 4 Ommang Søndre, Bente Pünther og Jan Gerrit de Snaijer Norway Yes
boars for breeding 1 Stiftelsen Alm Østre Norway Yes
pigs for meat >50kg 2 Stiftelsen Alm Østre Norway Yes
horses >3yrs 2 PieniKylä Oy Melina Heimsch, Laura Heimsch Finland Yes
pigs 2 PieniKylä Oy Melina Heimsch, Laura Heimsch Finland Yes
horses >3yrs 23 Andreas Höritzauer GnbR. - Wegwartehof Austria Yes
horses >3yrs 9 Fritz und Martha Steininger Austria Yes
horses >3yrs 2 Maximilian Buchhammer - Der Ballhaushof Austria Yes
boars for breeding 2 Coretta Danzer, Hans-Georg Kauffmann - Bio-Bergbauernhof überm Gurktal Austria Yes
piglets 143 Irmgard und Peter Stadler Austria Yes
piglets 90 Karl Melchiort Austria Yes