
Total products: 576 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
spelt Aura Soma Products Ltd Malcolm Robinson United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
spelt Aura Soma Products Ltd Malcolm Robinson United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
spelt Aura Soma Products Ltd Malcolm Robinson United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
spelt Waltham Place Farm Andre Tranquilini & Vinnie McCann United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
rice (basmati) 201.10 ha Star Global Multiventures Pvt Ltd India Yes
rice (basmati) 99.67 ha Nanpara ICS Star Global Multiventures India Yes
rice (basmati) 93.47 ha Chandpara ICS Nature Bio-Foods Ltd. India Yes
rice (basmati) 95.32 ha Kotwa ICS Nature Bio-Foods Ltd. India Yes
rice (basmati) 133.57 ha Nanpara ICS Nature Bio-Foods Ltd. India Yes
rice (basmati) 349.90 ha Maharajganj Jaivik Samuha Nature Bio-Foods Ltd. India Yes
spelt Forpakterlaget Fokhol Gård Norway Yes
spelt 1.41 ha Haltijan tila Ira ja Ari Hellsten Finland Yes
spelt 2.50 ha Rekolabiodyn Oy Joona Rekola Finland Yes
spelt Verena Brabec-Wolf und Johann Brabec Austria Yes
spelt Martina MSc und Siegfried Fink Austria Yes
spelt Monika Heinisch Austria Yes
spelt Gerhard und Katrin Forster Austria Yes
spelt Grünbacher Maria, Stockinger Josef - Ebnerhof Austria Yes
spelt Augustiner Chorherrenstift Austria Yes
spelt Karl Melchiort Austria Yes