
Total products: 196 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
nursery stock 0.00 ha Hawthorne Valley Farm United States of America (the) Yes
seeds 0.40 ha Pu'u O Hoku Operations LLC United States of America (the) Yes
vegetable seeds 4.16 ha Meadowlark Hearth Living Environment Foundation Meadowlark Hearth United States of America (the) Yes
seedlings 0.97 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Yes
seeds 1.62 ha Turtle Tree Seed United States of America (the) Yes
seeds & seedlings 0.24 ha Frost Wines LLC. dba Hermann J. Wiemer Vineyard United States of America (the) Yes
seeds AkkerRijk Netherlands (the) Yes
onions AkkerRijk Netherlands (the) Yes
seeds Wilhelminahoeve vof Netherlands (the) Yes
onions Maatschap Quist Netherlands (the) Yes
onions Maatschap Rijk-Hartkamp Netherlands (the) Yes
seeds De Beersche Hoeve BV Netherlands (the) Yes
seeds De Beersche Hoeve BV Netherlands (the) Yes
flower seeds HJ. Smith Netherlands (the) Yes
seeds De Bolster BV Netherlands (the) Yes
seeds De Bolster BV Netherlands (the) Yes
onions Westers Organic Netherlands (the) Yes
onions Beiderwaen landbouw CV Netherlands (the) Yes
seeds Het Blauwe Huis BV Netherlands (the) Yes
onions VOF Risseeuw Jentohoeve Netherlands (the) Yes