
Total products: 15 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
radish (oilseed) Martin Allram Austria Yes
sweet potatoes 0.08 ha Pu'u O Hoku Operations LLC United States of America (the) Yes
sweet potatoes 0.20 ha Stanton Home Farm United States of America (the) Yes
broccoli De Kollebloem Belgium Yes
broccoli Westers Organic Netherlands (the) Yes
broccoli De Verte VOF Netherlands (the) Yes
sweet potatoes PC v/d Erve Biologische Akkerbouw Netherlands (the) Yes
broccoli De Zonnehorst Netherlands (the) Yes
sweet potatoes 0.20 ha Guangxi Bama Huayu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Bama Sansheng Biodynamic Farm China Yes
radish (oilseed) Martin Dörr Germany Yes
radish (oilseed) Wulkower Hof eGbR Bühler Germany Yes
sweet potatoes 10.32 ha SARL ETS LANGEVINE France Yes
broccoli 24.78 ha BIOCAMPO, S.L. Spain Yes
broccoli 6.76 ha LA TERCIA EXPLOTACIONES, S.L. Spain Yes
broccoli 15.93 ha EXPLOTACIONES GOMEZ NAVARRO, S.L. Spain Yes