
Total products: 530 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
hemp Waltham Place Farm Andre Tranquilini & Vinnie McCann United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
hemp Waltham Place Farm Andre Tranquilini & Vinnie McCann United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
fallow (green) Martina MSc und Siegfried Fink Austria Yes
fallow (green) Angela u. Werner jun. Michlits Austria Yes
fallow (green) Anton & Claudia Unger Austria Yes
fallow (green) Karl Melchiort Austria Yes
fallow (green) Herbert Linsbauer Austria Yes
fallow (green) Personengemeinschaft Berger Roland und Mitges. - APIS-Z Austria Yes
flax Martin Allram Austria Yes
fallow (green) Loidhold-Hof - Arge für Antroposophisches Heilwesen - Achim Leibing Austria Yes
flax KadAgro GmbH Austria Yes
fallow (green) Ing. Gernot Heinrich Austria Yes
fallow (green) Maria Ponhold Austria Yes
fallow (green) Wurzerhof Betriebs GmbH Austria Yes
fallow (green) Johann jun. Biringer Austria Yes
fallow (green) Biohof Stockern KG Austria Yes
fallow (green) Salomon Fritz jun. - Gut Oberstockstall Austria Yes
fallow (green) Eduard Hampl Austria Yes
fallow (green) Ausbildungszentrum Dorothea Austria Yes
fallow (green) Elisabeth und Martin Vukits Austria Yes