
Total products: 116 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
asparagus 0.03 ha Gales Marija Slovenia Yes
flax Martin Allram Austria Yes
flax KadAgro GmbH Austria Yes
flax Karl Wirtl Austria Yes
flax Stefan Spitaler Austria Yes
flax Rainer Deutsch Austria Yes
flax Georg Marksteiner Austria Yes
flax Gerhard Perger Austria Yes
flax Martina MSc und Siegfried Fink Austria Yes
flax Viktorhof - Prasser Jakob Austria Yes
flax Flechl Karl und Mitgesellschafter Austria Yes
flax Sonja Liebhart Austria Yes
flax Ing. Katharina Haumer Austria Yes
asparagus 0.81 ha CH Wines LLC Cowhorn Vineyard & Garden United States of America (the) Yes
asparagus 0.09 ha Meadowlark Hearth Living Environment Foundation Meadowlark Hearth United States of America (the) Yes
flax AkkerRijk Netherlands (the) Yes
flax Giessen BIO Netherlands (the) Yes
asparagus De Watertuin Netherlands (the) Yes
asparagus De Poshoof Netherlands (the) Yes
flax Maatschap van Nieuwenhuyzen Netherlands (the) Yes