
Total products: 84 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
kale Lordswood Tristan Bertie & Gilly Bertie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
kale Apricot Centre Huxham United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
lettuce De Kollebloem Belgium Yes
lettuce De Kollebloem Belgium Yes
lettuce De Kollebloem Belgium Yes
lettuce Kwekerij Eko Logisch Netherlands (the) Yes
lettuce Tuinderij Moervliet Netherlands (the) Yes
lettuce De Zonnekouter Belgium Yes
lettuce Winter Netherlands (the) Yes
kale Thedinghsweert Stichting Netherlands (the) Yes
lettuce De Kraanvogel Netherlands (the) Yes
lettuce De Hooge Kamp Netherlands (the) Yes
lettuce De Hooge Kamp Netherlands (the) Yes
lettuce De Oosterwaarde C.V. Netherlands (the) Yes
lettuce De Zonnehorst Netherlands (the) Yes
lettuce BD tuinderij De Stek Netherlands (the) Yes
lettuce Scorlewald, Raphaelstichting Netherlands (the) Yes
kale Scorlewald, Raphaelstichting Netherlands (the) Yes
wild garlic 0.07 ha Kass-Haff s.a.r.l. Luxembourg Yes
wild garlic ANDREASHOF e. V. Germany Yes