
Total products: 33 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
rose Maria Pravec Austria Yes
rose Ingrid Strohmaier Austria Yes
rose 0.04 ha Hoskins Berry Farm United States of America (the) Yes
melons 0.00 ha Stanton Home Farm United States of America (the) Yes
cauliflower BakkerBio Netherlands (the) Yes
cauliflower BakkerBio Netherlands (the) Yes
cauliflower Winter Netherlands (the) Yes
cauliflower Loverendale BV Netherlands (the) Yes
cauliflower De Zonneboog Netherlands (the) Yes
melons 0.33 ha BELVISI MARIA LUISA Italy Yes
rose Weleda do Brasil Laboratorio e Farmacia Ltda Brazil Yes
melons 0.52 ha Casallo Sociedade Agrícola Lda. Montecampo Portugal Yes
rose 14.57 ha Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
rose 2.50 ha Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
rose 4.70 ha Dr. Madihi’s Farm Chenar farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
rose 30.80 ha Dorrin Golab Agroindustry Abadeh Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
melons Gemüsebau Erhardt GmbH & Co. KG Germany Yes
melons Biohof Hiss Matthias Hiss Germany Yes
melons Hofgut Rengoldshausen Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Jugend durch die Landwirtschaft e.V. Germany Yes
melons Richard Konrad Germany Yes