
Total products: 167 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
clover (red) Loch Arthur Farm and Garden Tim Ruge & Saul Webster Rudy Bintein United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
cucumbers De Kollebloem Belgium Yes
cucumbers Biokwekerij Poldervaart BV Netherlands (the) Yes
cucumbers Tuinbouwbedrijf FJJ de Koning BV Netherlands (the) Yes
cucumbers De Hooge Kamp Netherlands (the) Yes
mate Matebras Industria do Mate Ltda ME Brazil Yes
cucumbers 0.19 ha Spólka Rolnicza Juchowo, Sp. z.o.o. Poland Yes
clover (red) 13.98 ha Sándor Varga Hungary Yes
mate 17.88 ha Fundacion Agroecologica Iguazu Argentina Yes
clover (red) 118.98 ha Kristina MartinÄ—lienÄ— Lithuania Yes
clover (red) 110.40 ha Jonas Dragūnas Lithuania Yes
clover (red) 14.64 ha Jonas Dragūnas Lithuania Yes
mate 13.98 ha PATICUA S.A. Finca La Delfina & Sala Moringa Argentina Yes
clover (red) 3.19 ha Slawomir Kys Poland Yes
clover (red) 56.85 ha Augustinas Martinelis Lithuania Yes
clover (red) 0.51 ha Augustinas Martinelis Lithuania Yes
clover (red) 25.67 ha Virginia Pedisiene Lithuania Yes
clover (red) 16.26 ha Arūnas Užuotas Uzuotas Lithuania Yes
clover (red) 6.17 ha Arūnas Užuotas Uzuotas Lithuania Yes
mate 132.50 ha RESERVA DEJA VÚ Paraguay Yes