
Total products: 15 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
kale Lordswood Tristan Bertie & Gilly Bertie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
kale Apricot Centre Huxham United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
kale Thedinghsweert Stichting Netherlands (the) Yes
kale Scorlewald, Raphaelstichting Netherlands (the) Yes
oregano 0.08 ha BIO SIKULA SOC. AGR. SEMPLICE Italy Yes
mate Matebras Industria do Mate Ltda ME Brazil Yes
oregano 0.00 ha Michalis Kontogiannis Greece Yes
oregano 0.10 ha Michalis Kontogiannis Greece Yes
mate 17.88 ha Fundacion Agroecologica Iguazu Argentina Yes
mate 13.98 ha PATICUA S.A. Finca La Delfina & Sala Moringa Argentina Yes
oregano 0.14 ha Aglaia Raptou Greece Yes
mate 132.50 ha RESERVA DEJA VÚ Paraguay Yes
mate 1.00 ha RESERVA DEJA VÚ Paraguay Yes
oregano 0.48 ha GAEC DE LA BARJETTE France Yes
kale 8.28 ha BIOCAMPO, S.L. Spain Yes