carrots |
0.50 ha |
Norrbyvälle |
Sweden |
Yes |
carrots |
0.50 ha |
Sonja & Harald Speer |
Sweden |
Yes |
carrots |
0.03 ha |
Bogovič Jože |
Slovenia |
Yes |
carrots |
0.07 ha |
Haltijan tila Ira ja Ari Hellsten |
Finland |
Yes |
lavender |
Gerhard Perger |
Austria |
Yes |
lavender |
Bianca und Christian Strohmaier - Biohof Herrgott |
Austria |
Yes |
carrots |
Feldhof - Ripfl Andreas |
Austria |
Yes |
lavender |
0.20 ha |
Hoskins Berry Farm |
United States of America (the) |
Yes |
lavender |
0.12 ha |
Saddle View Orchards Analemma Wines |
United States of America (the) |
Yes |
carrots |
Maatschap Quist |
Netherlands (the) |
Yes |
carrots |
Giessen BIO |
Netherlands (the) |
Yes |
parsley root |
De Kollebloem |
Belgium |
Yes |
carrots |
De Kollebloem |
Belgium |
Yes |
carrots |
Maatschap Rijk-Hartkamp |
Netherlands (the) |
Yes |
carrots |
De Watertuin |
Netherlands (the) |
Yes |
carrots |
De Watertuin |
Netherlands (the) |
Yes |
carrots |
Westers Organic |
Netherlands (the) |
Yes |
carrots |
Beiderwaen landbouw CV |
Netherlands (the) |
Yes |
carrots |
VOF Risseeuw Jentohoeve |
Netherlands (the) |
Yes |
carrots |
Biostee Teelt VOF |
Netherlands (the) |
Yes |