
Total products: 33 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
fodder beet Dr. Heinrich Regner - Baltahof Austria Yes
fodder beet Christian Stadler Austria Yes
sweet potatoes 0.08 ha Pu'u O Hoku Operations LLC United States of America (the) Yes
sweet potatoes 0.20 ha Stanton Home Farm United States of America (the) Yes
fodder beet Wilhelminahoeve vof Netherlands (the) Yes
shallots De Verte VOF Netherlands (the) Yes
sweet potatoes PC v/d Erve Biologische Akkerbouw Netherlands (the) Yes
shallots Maatschap De Westerade Netherlands (the) Yes
shallots Maatschap Nieuw Bonaventura Netherlands (the) Yes
shallots Van Andel Bio Netherlands (the) Yes
shallots Van Andel Bio Netherlands (the) Yes
fodder beet Widar Fonds VZW Belgium Yes
fodder beet Widar Fonds VZW Belgium Yes
sweet potatoes 0.20 ha Guangxi Bama Huayu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Bama Sansheng Biodynamic Farm China Yes
fodder beet 0.10 ha Kass-Haff s.a.r.l. Luxembourg Yes
fodder beet Lebensgemeinschaft Eichhof gGmbH Germany Yes
fodder beet Egon Knöpfle Germany Yes
fodder beet Hofgut Wöpplinsberg Christian Schoening Germany Yes
fodder beet Dorfgemeinschaft Camphill Hausenhof e.V. Germany Yes
fodder beet Schwalbenhof GbR Germany Yes