
Total products: 134 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
quinces Martin Birnstingl Austria Yes
quinces Sonja Hetzl Austria Yes
quinces Birgit Birnstingl-Gottinger - Gottingerhof Austria Yes
quinces Paula Schloffer - Biohof Schloffer Austria Yes
quinces Weingut Hannes und Petra Harkamp Austria Yes
quinces Ing. Christian Rossnagl Austria Yes
quinces Biohof Preisegger-Balouz - Daniela Preisegger Austria Yes
quinces Weingut Hareter Thomas Austria Yes
quinces Wachstum König Austria Yes
quinces Wachstum König Austria Yes
grapes (table) 0.10 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the) Yes
grapes (table) 0.17 ha Apulum Garden United States of America (the) Yes
grapes (table) 0.01 ha REIFER HEINRICH - UNTERPLATTNER Italy Yes
grapes (table) 0.07 ha SANT'ANGELO BIO SOC. AGR. S.S. Italy Yes
grapes (table) 6.67 ha BIOAGRICOLA SCARL Italy Yes
bergamot 0.12 ha OPERA TERRAE BIO SSA Italy Yes
grapes (table) 50.52 ha LACALAMITA ROSA Italy Yes
grapes (table) 0.91 ha BIOCARCHIA S.S. Italy Yes
bergamot 0.56 ha CARPINTERI PAOLO Italy Yes
quinces 0.07 ha CARPINTERI PAOLO Italy Yes