
Total products: 31 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
rose oil first rose oil Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
other plant extracts rose water Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
other herbs dried rose buds and rose petals Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
rosehip seed oil complete rose oil Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
pomegranate juice pomegranate juice Sarouneh P.J.S. Co. Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
cosmetic & personal care products rose water Dorrin Golab Agroindustry Abadeh Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
rose oil rose oil Dorrin Golab Agroindustry Abadeh Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
herbs & spices & salt dried lavander Dorrin Golab Agroindustry Abadeh Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
herbs & spices & salt dried rose petals, buds and flowers Dorrin Golab Agroindustry Abadeh Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Yes
roasted coffee whole Roasted coffee CDC Roastery,s.r.o. Slovakia Yes
cattle 80 Biodynamic Libichava, s.r.o. Slovakia Yes