
Total products: 159 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
mixed crops SEKEM EL WAHAT Egypt Yes
biodiversity 99.50 ha Yes
other oils LOTUS UE Lotus Upper Egypt for Organic Products Egypt Yes
juices LOTUS UE Lotus Upper Egypt for Organic Products Egypt Yes
herbs & spices & salt LOTUS UE Lotus Upper Egypt for Organic Products Egypt Yes
herbal tea LOTUS UE Lotus Upper Egypt for Organic Products Egypt Yes
cereals & grains & seeds Lotus UE Lotus Upper Egypt for Organic Products Egypt Yes
dessert mix Lotus UE Lotus Upper Egypt for Organic Products Egypt Yes
datesother annual crops Lotus UE Lotus Upper Egypt for Organic Products Egypt Yes
olives 6.91 ha Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa Yes
grassland 11.51 ha Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa Yes
pasture 8.74 ha Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa Yes
herbs 1.78 ha Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa Yes
potatoes 0.50 ha Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa Yes
other crops 1.86 ha Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa Yes
fallow 1.55 ha Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa Yes
tea 116.62 ha Wupperthal Original Rooibos Coop South Africa Yes
grapes (for wine) 24.79 ha The JR Farming Trust South Africa Yes
olives 1.07 ha The JR Farming Trust South Africa Yes
grains 1.89 ha The JR Farming Trust South Africa Yes