
Total products: 138 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
apples 3.84 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the) Yes
apples 0.81 ha Sophia's Garden United States of America (the) Yes
apples 0.73 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Yes
apples 1.25 ha Wilridge Vineyard and Winery United States of America (the) Yes
apples 0.08 ha Solminer Wine Co. dba DeLanda LLC United States of America (the) Yes
apples 0.36 ha Troon Vineyard United States of America (the) Yes
apples Manfred Kuhn Besitzunternehmen GmbH & Co. KG Germany Yes
apples Sozialtherapeutische Gemeinschaften Weckelweiler e.V. Gärtnerei Germany Yes
apples Reinhard Alsbach Germany Yes
apples ANDREASHOF e. V. Germany Yes
apples Hof Dinkelberg GbR Markus Feig & Markus Hurter Germany Yes
apples Weingut Trautwein GbR Germany Yes
apples Andreas Mauk Germany Yes
apples Andreas Mauk Germany Yes
apples Josef und Annemonika Böttinger Germany Yes
apples Uwe und Joachim Bay GbR Germany Yes
apples Martin Bentele Germany Yes
apples Gerhard Knapp Germany Yes
apples Benteles Biohof Johannes Bentele Germany Yes
apples Benteles Biohof Johannes Bentele Germany Yes