
Total products: 9 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
essential oils Sanddornfruchtfleischöl Oekoplant GmbH Switzerland Yes
essential oils Ätherische Öle und Aromaextrakte Pico Lebensmittel AG Switzerland Yes
cosmetic & personal care products Body Oil Jojoba Demeter, 17542 Naturkraftwerke Biofood AG Switzerland Yes
cosmetic & personal care products Body Oil Lavendel Mandel Demeter, 17541 Naturkraftwerke Biofood AG Switzerland Yes
cosmetic & personal care products Kosmetik-Artikel Fattoria La Vialla Switzerland Yes
cosmetic & personal care products Klettensamenöl nativ Naturkraftwerke Biofood AG Switzerland Yes
cosmetic & personal care products Heublumenbad Naturkraftwerke Biofood AG Switzerland Yes
essential oils Immortelle Helichrysum Italicum Essential Oil AgroHerc Organic Agriculture Ltd. Bosnia and Herzegovina Yes
other plant extracts Immortelle Helichrysum Italicum Hydrolate AgroHerc Organic Agriculture Ltd. Bosnia and Herzegovina Yes