
Total products: 14 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
flowers De Kollebloem Belgium Yes
flowers De Kollebloem Belgium Yes
fallow De Kollebloem Belgium Yes
other crops Wijngoed De Vallei Belgium Yes
flowers Veldkleur Comm v Belgium Yes
flowers Veldkleur Comm v Belgium Yes
fallow De Blauwe Spie Belgium Yes
other crops De Wassende Maan C.V. Belgium Yes
other crops De Wassende Maan C.V. Belgium Yes
fallow De Wassende Maan C.V. Belgium Yes
fallow 31.20 ha AgroHerc Organic Agriculture Ltd. Bosnia and Herzegovina Yes
other permanent crops 32.74 ha AgroHerc Organic Agriculture Ltd. Bosnia and Herzegovina Yes
biodiversity 17.76 ha AgroHerc Organic Agriculture Ltd. Bosnia and Herzegovina Yes
hemp 11.23 ha CHARLES EDOUARD JOLLY Belgium Yes