
Total products: 78 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
bananas 460.19 ha Plantaciones del Norte S.A. - Finca Yaque, Finca Billy, Finca Fernández & Finca Mota Dominican Republic (the) Yes
grassland 3.50 ha Plantaciones del Norte S.A. - Finca Yaque, Finca Billy, Finca Fernández & Finca Mota Dominican Republic (the) Yes
bananas 91.99 ha BIOTROPIC S.R.L. Dominican Republic (the) Yes
bananas 165.68 ha Bananos Ecologicos De La Linea Noroeste - BANELINO Producers Group Dominican Republic (the) Yes
bananas 318.12 ha Plantaciones Agricola Manzanillo Srl. Dominican Republic (the) Yes
coconuts 240.00 ha Merit Food Products Co., Ltd. MeritO Farm Thailand Yes
bananas 97.78 ha Proyecto Bananero del Noroeste, S.R. L. Dominican Republic (the) Yes
fallow 11.00 ha Proyecto Bananero del Noroeste, S.R. L. Dominican Republic (the) Yes
vegetables 12.28 ha Chotiwan Farm Co., Ltd. Thailand Yes
bananas 194.73 ha Quinta Pasadena S.A Dominican Republic (the) Yes
cocoa 277.54 ha Nazario Rizek S.A.S Dominican Republic (the) Yes
bananas 24.70 ha Bananos Ecologicos De La Linea Noroeste - BANELINO Milady Rodriguez Ortiz Dominican Republic (the) Yes
lemons 110.71 ha Plantaciones del Norte S.A. - Finca Limones Dominican Republic (the) Yes
packed fruit Packed bananas Plantaciones del Norte S.A. - Finca Yaque, Finca Billy, Finca Fernández & Finca Mota Dominican Republic (the) Yes
packed fruit Packed Bananas BIOTROPIC S.R.L. Dominican Republic (the) Yes
black tea black tea Al Accad Department Stores Organic Foods and Cafe United Arab Emirates (the) Yes
fruit tea Hibiscus Tea Al Accad Department Stores Organic Foods and Cafe United Arab Emirates (the) Yes
green tea Flower Tea Al Accad Department Stores Organic Foods and Cafe United Arab Emirates (the) Yes
green tea green tea Al Accad Department Stores Organic Foods and Cafe United Arab Emirates (the) Yes
green tea flavoured Green Tea with mint Al Accad Department Stores Organic Foods and Cafe United Arab Emirates (the) Yes