
Total products: 87 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
cattle 1-2yrs meat 7 Pounder Brothers, Inc. United States of America (the) Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 110 Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the) Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 35 Johannes Schenk, agricultura Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 9 Maria Ager Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 44 Landschaftspflegehof Adelegg GbR Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 32 Barbara Knötzinger Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 16 Hofmanns Hof Petra Ritter Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 6 Okertal GbR Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 3 Wälder GbR Hans-Hartwig u. Anke Lützow, Adrian u. Sarah Lützow, Hannah-Marie Hahn, Albert Hahn, Albert Mutschler Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 10 Maximilian Reutlinger Ziegenhof Nannenbach Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 24 Betriebsgemeinschaft Hof zur Hellen GbR Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 24 Ökohof Kuhhorst gGmbH Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 8 Raimund Bertsch Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 9 Thomas Gutberlet Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 4 Jakob Aicher Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 13 Landwirtschaftsbetrieb Jennyhof Ludolf von Maltzan Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 1 Camphill Schulgemeinschaften e.V. Brachenreuthe - Landwirtschaft Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 3 Weingut Odinstal Thomas Hensel Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 1 Dr. Susann Rosenberger Germany Yes
cattle 1-2yrs meat 10 Simone und Reinhard Traber Germany Yes