
Total products: 45 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
cattle >2yrs dairy 12 Tablehurst Farm Robin Brown & Stephen Mills United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
cattle >2yrs dairy 6 Gaia's Breath Farm United States of America (the) Yes
cattle >2yrs dairy 17 Nectar Hills Farm United States of America (the) Yes
cattle >2yrs dairy 1 Árpád Tomcsányi Hungary Yes
lambs < 6 months 112 Zadrugar Ltd. Serbia Yes
lambs < 6 months 10 Erwin Schuster Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 65 Barbara Knötzinger Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 4 Gärtnerei Louisgarde Melanie Appel und Lutz Neuendorf GbR Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 4 Johann Spiel Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 1 Brennesselhof Wiesotzki-Morlinghaus Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 5 Weingut Deppisch Christian Deppisch Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 3 Sven Maier Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 2 Michael Spring Kloster Wessobrunn Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 4 Huberhof Georg Kronast Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 12 Beeren & Co. GbR R. Hansmair und T. Braun Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 2 Luise und Daniel Henze GbR Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 5 Manuel Leins Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 5 Josef Kleinmaier jun. Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 5 Barbara Schäffeler Germany Yes
lambs < 6 months 3 Loheland Stiftung Landwirtschaft Germany Yes