
Total products: 41 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
vegetables Stroud Community Agriculture Alex Osborne & Blue Stewart and Ruth Schamroth United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
kale Apricot Centre Huxham United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
potatoes 0.11 ha ISIK TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SAN VE TİC.A.Ş., Unit AGR 05 Bursa Türkiye Yes
wheat (spring) 2.57 ha Jonas Dragūnas Lithuania Yes
potatoes 0.10 ha Jonas Dragūnas Lithuania Yes
vegetables 0.16 ha Turay István Hungary Yes
potatoes Hof Dinkelberg GbR Markus Feig & Markus Hurter Germany Yes
chicory (leaf-witloof) Lucia Hoffmann Germany Yes
sugar beet Heinz Hörcher Germany Yes
vegetables Betriebsgemeinschaft Ulmenhof KG Germany Yes
chicory (leaf-witloof) Betriebsgemeinschaft Ulmenhof KG Germany Yes
wheat (spring) Kirchhof Agrar UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG Germany Yes
vegetables Hof Sondern e.V. Sozialtherapeutische Gemeinschaft Germany Yes
chicory (leaf-witloof) Hof Sondern e.V. Sozialtherapeutische Gemeinschaft Germany Yes
chicory (leaf-witloof) Hellmese Hof - Bürger machen Landwirtschaft GbR Germany Yes
chicory (leaf-witloof) Gemüsehof Niederfeld GmbH Eberhard Katschke Germany Yes
potatoes Gemüsehof Niederfeld GmbH Eberhard Katschke Germany Yes
chicory (leaf-witloof) Daniel Bosse Germany Yes
wheat (spring) Bauernhof Steinert Biologisch-dynamischer Landbau Germany Yes
wheat (spring) Josef Weber Germany Yes