
Total products: 25 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
fodder crops Apricot Centre Huxham United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
clover (red) 14.64 ha Jonas Dragūnas Lithuania Yes
clover (red) 0.51 ha Augustinas Martinelis Lithuania Yes
clover (red) 6.17 ha Arūnas Užuotas Uzuotas Lithuania Yes
fodder crops Altmann GbR Germany Yes
fodder crops Wüst GbR Germany Yes
fodder crops Klaus Hofmann Jurahof Germany Yes
clover (red) Schnalzger Landwirtschaft GbR Daniel und Josef Schnalzger Germany Yes
fodder crops Matthias Vietze Germany Yes
fodder crops Eberbachhof Frank Fellmann Germany Yes
fodder crops Clemens Gabriel Germany Yes
fodder crops Landwirtschafts GmbH & Co. KG Ökodorf Brodowin Germany Yes
fodder crops Gut Hessel Matthias Mock Germany Yes
fodder crops Heiko Schmidt Germany Yes
fodder crops Hof am Eichenhain Klaus Wais Germany Yes
fodder crops Öko-Geflügelhof Markus Winkelmann Germany Yes
fodder crops Richard Veit Germany Yes
fodder crops Lichtblick Wahlde gGmbH Germany Yes
fodder crops Luisenhof GmbH Groot Quöbben Germany Yes
clover (red) Rotenbauer GbR Martin und Kathrin Hauser Germany Yes