
Total products: 27 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
pullets 4 Lordswood Tristan Bertie & Gilly Bertie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
pullets 200 Willow Hall Farm David Hampton United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
pullets 175 Nantclyd Farm Liz Findlay & Oliver Martin United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
pullets 2 Baile Geamhraidh Farm Eva Tombs United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
pullets 9 Klaus Arnold Germany Yes
pullets 200 Eschenhof Liv und Klaus Kurz Germany Yes
pullets 246 Marie Früchel Biohof Silberberg Germany Yes
pullets 73328 Geflügelhof Schubert Germany Yes
pullets 30 Hof Bogenschütz KG Germany Yes
pullets 330 Michael Haußecker Germany Yes
pullets 300 LindenGut GmbH & Co.KG Germany Yes
pullets 6 Gärtnerhof Entrup e.G. Germany Yes
pullets 50 Gemeinschaft für Heilpädagogik und Sozialtherapie e. V. Germany Yes
pullets 3 Martin Josef Hofer Germany Yes
pullets 5 Hof Vorberg GmbH + Co. KG Germany Yes
pullets 75 Karlheinz Wannenwetsch Germany Yes
pullets 120 Öko-Geflügelhof Markus Winkelmann Germany Yes
pullets 8 Mathias Imöhl Germany Yes
pullets 60 Vogelhof Waßmer Felix Waßmer Germany Yes
pullets 3 Tanja Schneeweis Germany Yes