
Total products: 13 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
date syrup sirop de dattes et sucre de dattes Sté Beni Ghreb s.à.r.l Tunisia Yes
molasses molasses Ingenio Azucarero La Felsina A.I.C.S.A. Paraguay Yes
sugar (raw cane) cane sugar (SL special light) Ingenio Azucarero La Felsina A.I.C.S.A. Paraguay Yes
other antipasti Kalamata pitted olives raw with herbs Epikouros Organic Products Ltd. Greece Yes
other antipasti Kalamata whole olives raw with herbs Epikouros Organic Products Ltd. Greece Yes
molasses molasses Hibernia Misiones SA Finca 8 Paraguay Yes
sugar (raw cane) sugar (raw cane) Hibernia Misiones SA Finca 8 Paraguay Yes
honey honey Tamás Radetzky Hungary Yes
honey Imkerei Chantal Grenez Luxembourg Yes
honey Honig Imkerei Michel Collette-Huet Luxembourg Yes
honey Honig Lehrbienenstand (Centre Service National de la Jeunesse) Luxembourg Yes
honey Honig KAESHAFF Jean-Marie Kaes Luxembourg Yes
honey Honig Imkerei Steffan Van der Pal Luxembourg Yes