
Total products: 150 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
fruit orchard (extensive) 0.00 ha Spólka Rolnicza Juchowo, Sp. z.o.o. Poland Yes
other annual crops 21.73 ha Spólka Rolnicza Juchowo, Sp. z.o.o. Poland Yes
other annual crops 74.82 ha Ingenio Azucarero La Felsina A.I.C.S.A. Paraguay Yes
sugar cane 218.66 ha Ingenio Azucarero La Felsina A.I.C.S.A. Paraguay Yes
fruit orchard (extensive) 0.81 ha Michlits Kft. Hungary Yes
fallow 10.70 ha Michlits Kft. Hungary Yes
fallow (green) 29.06 ha Michlits Kft. Hungary Yes
fallow 3.66 ha Biodynamic Libichava, s.r.o. Slovakia Yes
fallow (green) 26.93 ha Alt-Prerau CZ s.r.o. Czech Republic (the) Yes
fallow 2.89 ha The Trinity Farm Dr. Alexandra Tsiadi Greece Yes
fallow (green) 2.76 ha The Trinity Farm Dr. Alexandra Tsiadi Greece Yes
forest 0.20 ha The Trinity Farm Dr. Alexandra Tsiadi Greece Yes
other crops 1.86 ha Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa Yes
fallow 1.55 ha Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa Yes
fallow 0.05 ha Michalis Kontogiannis Greece Yes
other permanent crops 0.67 ha EKO BOROWKA Krzysztof Rzeźnicki Poland Yes
fallow 0.48 ha Werner Michlits (jun.) Hungary Yes
fallow 5.75 ha Akemrane 1 & 2 Morocco Yes
argan trees 1.13 ha Akemrane 1 & 2 Morocco Yes
biodiversity 6.23 ha Akemrane 1 & 2 Morocco Yes