
Total products: 30 items
Product Operator Country Published Actions
rye Garvald Home Farm Ltd Murray Cornish United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
rye Garvald Home Farm Ltd Murray Cornish United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
rye Garvald Home Farm Ltd Murray Cornish United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
rye Aura Soma Products Ltd Malcolm Robinson United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
rye Aura Soma Products Ltd Malcolm Robinson United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
rye Newton Dee Farm Arjen Brown & Scotty Dow United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
rye Sturts Farm & Garden Johannes Nilsson & Lee Doran Carolin Goeppl-Schaller United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
rye 177.61 ha Spólka Rolnicza Juchowo, Sp. z.o.o. Poland Yes
rye 38.60 ha Farma Kout. v.o.s. Czech Republic (the) Yes
rye 40.94 ha Alt-Prerau CZ s.r.o. Czech Republic (the) Yes
rye 2.13 ha The Trinity Farm Dr. Alexandra Tsiadi Greece Yes
rye 21.11 ha Lukas Michlits Hungary Yes
rye 0.93 ha Zelena Strandzha Ltd. Bulgaria Yes
rye 2.63 ha Papia 1 Ltd. Bulgaria Yes
rye 24.70 ha ZENO zemedelska spol. s r. o. Czech Republic (the) Yes
rye 49.27 ha M. Bio Plant Kft. Hungary Yes
rye 26.03 ha János Michlits Hungary Yes
rye 80.98 ha Terra Tech Kft. Hungary Yes
rye 50.94 ha Jonas Dragūnas Lithuania Yes
rye 27.24 ha Terra Munda Kft. Hungary Yes