
Total operators: 230 items
No Name Country Published Actions
DI-29523 Merit Food Products Co., Ltd. MeritO Farm Thailand Yes
DI-29964 Chotiwan Farm Co., Ltd. Thailand Yes
DI-55162 Top Organic Products and Supplies Co.,Ltd. Thailand Yes
CH-8366 Furrer Hansruedi Switzerland Yes
CH-11979 Brupbacher Thomas Switzerland Yes
CH-13996 Baldegger Alexander Switzerland Yes
CH-35329 Sortenorganisation Appenzeller Käse GmbH Switzerland Yes
CH-7828 Tercier Pascal Switzerland Yes
CH-13927 Neukomm Elias Switzerland Yes
CH-10946 Rohrer Margrit Switzerland Yes
CH-14557 Buchmann Rahel Buchmann Weine Switzerland Yes
CH-11135 ValNature PG Switzerland Yes
CH-31505.01 Kölla AG Switzerland Yes
CH-21735 Hirschi Hans-Ulrich Hof Biseggmatte Switzerland Yes
CH-14527 Minder Stefan Switzerland Yes
CH-33533 Agrovision Burgrain AG Switzerland Yes
CH-14112 Brüschweiler Andreas Switzerland Yes
CH-30893.02 SAH Alpenkräuter AG Switzerland Yes
DI-57314 The Kin Dee Co. Ltd Thailand Yes
CH-34875 A casa mia KLG Switzerland Yes