
Total operators: 126 items
No Name Country Published Actions
BR-BA 167 Du Kakau Fabricacao e Comercio de Alimentos Ltda - ME Brazil Yes
BR-CE 069 Ana Maria Gomes Mata EPP (Nat'Organico Produtos Naturais) Brazil Yes
BR-ES 005 Henrique Leivas Sloper de Araujo Brazil Yes
BR-ES 051 Fazenda Giori Alimentos Organicos - Agroindustria, Comercio e Exportacao Ltda. Brazil Yes
BR-SC 116 Vildemar Klann Brazil Yes
BR-SC 117 Jose Antonio Casas Brazil Yes
BR-SC 113 Valfrid Wachholz Brazil Yes
BR-SC 114 Joao Carlos Pereira (Fazenda Santa Rosa) Brazil Yes
BR-BA 260 Ana Paranhos Monteiro (Fazenda Nova Jurua) Brazil Yes
BR-SP 039-1 Weleda do Brasil Laboratorio e Farmacia Ltda Brazil Yes
BR-BA 249 Antonio Pereira Sousa Brazil Yes
BR-BA 262 Luciano Tomas Sanjuan Portela (Fazenda Tranquilidade/Chacara das Sucupiras) Brazil Yes
BR-BA 252 Mathieu Laurent Hourcade Santa Tereza (Fazenda Boa Esperanca e Boa Sorte) Brazil Yes
BR-SC 112 Osnildo Jose Manerichi (Sitio Manerichi) Brazil Yes
BR-BA 245 Julia Nuscheler Brazil Yes
BR-SP 643 Industria e Comercio de Cafe Bacchi Eireli EP Brazil Yes
UK-424 Akiki Organics Charbel Akiki & Susanna Akiki United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
UK-598 Albury Vineyard Ltd Nick Wenman & Alex Valsecchi-Estate Manager Dominic Travels- vineyard manager United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
UK-694 Alison United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes
UK-589 Ancre Hill Estates Richard Morris & Jean Du Plessis United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Yes