
Total productos: 47398 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
hortalizas 0.77 ha Common Good Farm United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 0.85 ha Common Good Farm United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 25.08 ha Cooper Mountain Vineyards United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 47.99 ha Cooper Mountain Vineyards United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 42.98 ha Cooper Mountain Vineyards United States of America (the)
pastos 5.94 ha Cosmic Apple Gardens United States of America (the)
hortalizas 6.83 ha Cosmic Apple Gardens United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 5.26 ha Cosmic Apple Gardens United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 8.81 ha CH Wines LLC, dba Cowhorn Vineyard & Garden United States of America (the)
avellanas 0.12 ha CH Wines LLC, dba Cowhorn Vineyard & Garden United States of America (the)
espárragos 0.81 ha CH Wines LLC, dba Cowhorn Vineyard & Garden United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 37.59 ha CH Wines LLC, dba Cowhorn Vineyard & Garden United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 1.21 ha DaVero Sonoma, Inc. United States of America (the)
uvas (para vino) 2.78 ha DaVero Sonoma, Inc. United States of America (the)
aceitunas 7.48 ha DaVero Sonoma, Inc. United States of America (the)
pastos 0.06 ha DaVero Sonoma, Inc. United States of America (the)
hortalizas 0.34 ha DaVero Sonoma, Inc. United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 1.62 ha DaVero Sonoma, Inc. United States of America (the)
biodiversidad 15.68 ha DaVero Sonoma, Inc. United States of America (the)
fruta 0.12 ha Filigreen Farm United States of America (the)