
Total operadores: 29 artículos
No Nombre País Publicado Acciones
DI-28505 Wupperthal Original Rooibos Coop South Africa
DI-28550 Khalid Sultan Trading and Contracting Est. Natureland Kuwait
DI-28574 Vinimark Pty Ltd. South Africa
DI-25154 Reyneke Wines (Pty Ltd.) South Africa
DI-25255 Bloublommetjieskloof Wendy Lilje South Africa
DI-56523 The JR Farming Trust South Africa
DI-56524 Reyneke Wines Properties (Pty) Ltd South Africa
NO-37 Ullershov Norway
NO-8 Asbjørn Lavoll, Sverdstad Gård Norway
NO-1 Aukrust gard og urteri, Ola Aukrust Norway
NO-6 Bergsmyrene, Severin Dale Iversen Norway
NO-23 Camphill Rotvoll(bakeri, safteri, landhandel) Norway
NO-26 Epleblomsten AS Norway
NO-17 Forpakterlaget Fokhol Gård Norway
NO-27 Hurum Mølle Norway
NO-4 Ruud Gård, Urs Gamper Norway
NO-11 Lofoten Gårdsysteri v/Saupstad Gård, Mariëlle de Roos og Hugo Vink Norway
NO-34 Marthe Grav Semner Norway
NO-7 Olav Jønsi Norway
NO-12 Ommang Søndre, Bente Pünther og Jan Gerrit de Snaijer Norway