
Total productos: 1546 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
gallinas ponedoras 690 Nantclyd Farm Liz Findlay & Oliver Martin United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
ovejas >1 año carne 4 Nantclyd Farm Liz Findlay & Oliver Martin United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
pollitas 175 Nantclyd Farm Liz Findlay & Oliver Martin United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
gallinas ponedoras 15 Baile Geamhraidh Farm Eva Tombs United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
pollitas 2 Baile Geamhraidh Farm Eva Tombs United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
gallinas ponedoras 40 Alison United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
gallinas ponedoras 38 Homefield Garden Camphill Shared Lives Communities Ltd Hans Steenbergen & Elise Bos Nicholas Kellner United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
gallinas ponedoras 13 Aukrust gard og urteri, Ola Aukrust Norway
gallinas ponedoras 20 Forpakterlaget Fokhol Gård Norway
gallinas ponedoras 10 Ruud Gård, Urs Gamper Norway
ovejas >1 año carne 22 Ruud Gård, Urs Gamper Norway
gallinas ponedoras 20 Lofoten Gårdsysteri v/Saupstad Gård, Mariëlle de Roos og Hugo Vink Norway
gallinas ponedoras 5 Ommang Søndre, Bente Pünther og Jan Gerrit de Snaijer Norway
patos 13 Ommang Søndre, Bente Pünther og Jan Gerrit de Snaijer Norway
ovejas >1 año carne 6 Skjølberg Søndre, Elin og Carl Erik Östlund Norway
gallinas ponedoras 10 Skjølberg Søndre, Elin og Carl Erik Östlund Norway
patos 10 Skjølberg Søndre, Elin og Carl Erik Östlund Norway
ovejas >1 año carne 13 Solborg Landsbystiftelse Norway
gallinas ponedoras 35 Solborg Landsbystiftelse Norway
pollos para carne 35 Solborg Landsbystiftelse Norway