espelta |
Aura Soma Products Ltd Malcolm Robinson |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sí |
espelta |
Aura Soma Products Ltd Malcolm Robinson |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sí |
espelta |
Aura Soma Products Ltd Malcolm Robinson |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sí |
espelta |
Waltham Place Farm Andre Tranquilini & Vinnie McCann |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) |
Sí |
mijo |
2.84 ha |
SARG - Chamoli Group |
India |
Sí |
espelta |
Forpakterlaget Fokhol Gård |
Norway |
Sí |
espelta |
1.41 ha |
Haltijan tila Ira ja Ari Hellsten |
Finland |
Sí |
espelta |
2.50 ha |
Rekolabiodyn Oy Joona Rekola |
Finland |
Sí |
espelta |
Verena Brabec-Wolf und Johann Brabec |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Martina MSc und Siegfried Fink |
Austria |
Sí |
mijo |
Biologische Ackerbau GmbH |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Monika Heinisch |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Gerhard und Katrin Forster |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Grünbacher Maria, Stockinger Josef - Ebnerhof |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Augustiner Chorherrenstift |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Karl Melchiort |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Stefan Rockenbauer |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Ruth Grabher - Biohof Nofels |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Leopold Reindl jun. |
Austria |
Sí |
espelta |
Stadler - Anibas Benjamin |
Austria |
Sí |