
Total productos: 66 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
col rizada Lordswood Tristan Bertie & Gilly Bertie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
col rizada Apricot Centre Huxham United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
emmer Monika Heinisch Austria
emmer Gerhard und Katrin Forster Austria
emmer Martin Allram Austria
emmer Michael Gindl Austria
emmer Ing. Christian Rossnagl Austria
emmer Ing. Katharina Haumer Austria
emmer Herbert Pfabigan Austria
emmer Rainer Deutsch Austria
emmer Ing. Jürgen Schöls Austria
emmer Biohof Reumann Austria
emmer Jicinsky Josef Austria
emmer Leopold Reindl jun. Austria
emmer Sonja Liebhart Austria
emmer 1.50 ha Roth Christian Switzerland
emmer 't Leeuweriksveld CV Netherlands (the)
emmer Maatschap van Zanten Netherlands (the)
emmer Doornik Natuurakkers Netherlands (the)
col rizada Thedinghsweert Stichting Netherlands (the)