
Total productos: 163 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
lino Martin Allram Austria
lino KadAgro GmbH Austria
lino Karl Wirtl Austria
lino Stefan Spitaler Austria
lino Rainer Deutsch Austria
lino Georg Marksteiner Austria
bosque Ingrid Strohmaier Austria
lino Gerhard Perger Austria
lino Martina MSc und Siegfried Fink Austria
lino Viktorhof - Prasser Jakob Austria
bosque Anton Lackner - Kogelbauer Austria
lino Flechl Karl und Mitgesellschafter Austria
lino Sonja Liebhart Austria
lino Ing. Katharina Haumer Austria
bosque 45.73 ha Carlton Farms United States of America (the)
bosque 1.21 ha Churchtown Dairy United States of America (the)
bosque 8.13 ha Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards LTD D&M Lightfoot Farms LTD Canada
bosque 0.01 ha Gartenbauschule Hünibach Switzerland
bosque 0.02 ha Weingut Obrecht AG Obrecht Christian und Francisca Switzerland
bosque 1.84 ha Grüter Urs Birkenhof Switzerland