
Total productos: 288 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
girasoles Roman Waditschatka Austria
amapola Kurt Apeltauer - Meierhof Peigarten Austria
lino Viktorhof - Prasser Jakob Austria
camelina Jicinsky Josef Austria
camelina Stefan Spitaler Austria
camelina Franz Brunner Austria
girasoles Ing. Fritz Angelmayer, BSc - Annahof Austria
lino Flechl Karl und Mitgesellschafter Austria
rábano (semilla oleaginosa) Martin Allram Austria
lino Sonja Liebhart Austria
lino Ing. Katharina Haumer Austria
sésamo 0.08 ha Pu'u O Hoku Operations LLC United States of America (the)
flores 0.28 ha Thanksgiving Farm United States of America (the)
flores 0.10 ha Glentucky Family Farm United States of America (the)
flores 0.10 ha Soter Vineyards Mineral Springs Ranch United States of America (the)
sunflowers 6.30 ha El-HAGER Egypt
girasoles 2.22 ha Kramer Andreas Switzerland
girasoles 0.10 ha Saner Christoph Dubhof Switzerland
girasoles 2.67 ha Baur Markus Switzerland
girasoles 1.78 ha Langhart Konrad und Petra Biohof Trottengarten Switzerland