
Total productos: 328 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
alfalfa L.M. Brockman & Co, t/a North Downs Organics Leo Brockman United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
arroz (basmati) 201.10 ha Star Global Multiventures Pvt Ltd India
arroz (basmati) 99.67 ha Nanpara ICS Star Global Multiventures India
arroz (basmati) 93.47 ha Chandpara ICS Nature Bio-Foods Ltd. India
arroz (basmati) 95.32 ha Kotwa ICS Nature Bio-Foods Ltd. India
arroz (basmati) 133.57 ha Nanpara ICS Nature Bio-Foods Ltd. India
arroz (basmati) 349.90 ha Maharajganj Jaivik Samuha Nature Bio-Foods Ltd. India
alfalfa Biologische Ackerbau GmbH Austria
alfalfa Familie Leo Wöber Austria
alfalfa Böckle Personengemeinschaft Austria
alfalfa Manfred Schmidl Austria
alfalfa Roman Waditschatka Austria
alfalfa Demeter-Agrikultur Piatti Austria
alfalfa Ing. Fritz Angelmayer, BSc - Annahof Austria
alfalfa Sebastian Eisler - Biohof Breitenfurt Austria
alfalfa Josef Hirsch Austria
alfalfa Alt Prerau Landw. Industrie GesmbH Austria
alfalfa Fidesser Gerda, Norbert - Weingut Rudolf Fidesser Austria
alfalfa Flechl Karl und Mitgesellschafter Austria
alfalfa Manuela Taschl-Ettenauer Austria