
Total productos: 1750 artículos
Producto Operador País Publicado Acciones
frambuesas 0.38 ha Woodhouse Farm Organics - Greg & Joanne Turner New Zealand
ganado Woodhouse Farm Organics - Greg & Joanne Turner New Zealand
pastizales 1.13 ha Woodhouse Farm Organics - Greg & Joanne Turner New Zealand
hortalizas 0.01 ha Woodhouse Farm Organics - Greg & Joanne Turner New Zealand
uvas 22.64 ha The Millton Vineyard - Annie Millton New Zealand
uvas (para vino) The Millton Vineyard - Annie Millton New Zealand
naranjas 0.40 ha The Millton Vineyard - Annie Millton New Zealand
uvas (para vino) 25.00 ha Quartz Reef - Rudi Bauer & Tucker Mattern New Zealand
aceitunas 14.00 ha Seresin Estate - Cameron Vawter & Mike Just New Zealand
uvas (para vino) 84.90 ha Seresin Estate - Cameron Vawter & Mike Just New Zealand
uvas (para vino) 2.20 ha
uvas (para vino) 14.60 ha Rippon Vineyard - Nick Mills and Shannon Foley New Zealand
hortalizas 0.90 ha Hohepa Homes - Lief Shore, Ute Benecke & Francine Skelton New Zealand
ganado >2 años leche 55 Hohepa Homes - Lief Shore, Ute Benecke & Francine Skelton New Zealand
aceite de oliva Green Ridge Estate Green Ridge Estate - Bill & Kay Chapman New Zealand
aceitunas 2.10 ha Green Ridge Estate - Bill & Kay Chapman New Zealand
uvas (para vino) 3.90 ha Green Ridge Estate - Bill & Kay Chapman New Zealand
ganado >2 años carne 208 Waima Hill Farm - Erwin & Ursula Eisenmann New Zealand
leche (de vaca) entera The Oaks The Oaks - Norman & Dianne Baker New Zealand
ganado >2 años leche 138 The Oaks - Norman & Dianne Baker New Zealand