
Produkte gesamt: 32 Einträge
Produkt Betrieb Land Publiziert Aktionen
Melasse molasses Hibernia Misiones SA Finca 8 Paraguay Ja
Zucker (Rohrohrzucker) sugar (raw cane) Hibernia Misiones SA Finca 8 Paraguay Ja
Rosenöl first rose oil Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ja
Sonstige Pflanzenextrakte rose water Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ja
Sonstige Kräuter dried rose buds and rose petals Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ja
Hagebuttenkernöl complete rose oil Zahra Rosewater Company Mehdi Abad Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ja
Granatapfelsaft pomegranate juice Sarouneh P.J.S. Co. Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ja
Kosmetik & Pflege rose water Dorrin Golab Agroindustry Abadeh Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ja
Rosenöl rose oil Dorrin Golab Agroindustry Abadeh Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ja
Kräuter & Gewürze & Salz dried lavander Dorrin Golab Agroindustry Abadeh Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ja
Kräuter & Gewürze & Salz dried rose petals, buds and flowers Dorrin Golab Agroindustry Abadeh Farm Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ja
Kräutertee Mate tea RESERVA DEJA VÚ Paraguay Ja